Meet our team

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

About our company

What does Creative Lending do?

We help you navigate the Commercial Lending process.

How do we do this?

That’s a great question. It can be difficult navigating the Commercial world and we provide the help needed to navigate this world. As you fill out the application you will notice questions that you don’t see in the Residential mortgage side of business. This is because a Commercial Loan is designed for businesses. Most of the lenders we work with require the loan to be under a business entity.

Commercial lenders are used to working with Big Business clients and are not very customer friendly. Think large apartment complexes and businesses like Caribou, Starbucks, Dental offices, etc. The businesses typically using this type of loan are very used to navigating the Commercial Lending world and have CPA’s and staff accountants to do this for them.
Consequently, lenders aren’t used to working with smaller investors and don’t have the patience to hold your hand.

This manifests itself in different ways:

Most Commercial lenders will not pre-approve you for purchase. They will look at your financials but they will not give you a traditional pre-approval with a price range to purchase your investment property. We work with lenders to get that for you so you can feel confident going into your purchase agreement.

We ask the right questions, structure the lender package and craft a request that is most likely to secure the best terms for your needs.

While a loan is in process, we communicate with the lender to provide you a customer friendly experience.

Meet our team

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut eu consequat ligula. Cras blandit pharetra tincidunt. Praesent nec ultricies lacus. Sed iaculis cursus gravida. Vestibulum fringilla posuere enim, id congue enim posuere quis. Donec mattis non risus et feugiat. Maecenas at luctus turpis. Mauris viverra tellus turpis, et dictum nunc luctus eget. In lectus nunc, pellentesque ac finibus feugiat, vulputate sit amet odio. Donec vulputate consectetur massa non lacinia.

Nicole Swierczek

Creative Lending, LLC
MN Limited Broker # 40848232

Nicole Swierczek

Creative Lending, LLC
MN Limited Broker # 40848232

Lilly Luna

Creative Lending LLC
MN Limited Broker # 40848232

Our History and Mision

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut eu consequat ligula. Cras blandit pharetra tincidunt. Praesent nec ultricies lacus. Sed iaculis cursus gravida. Vestibulum fringilla posuere enim, id congue enim posuere quis. Donec mattis non risus et feugiat. Maecenas at luctus turpis. Mauris viverra tellus turpis, et dictum nunc luctus eget. In lectus nunc, pellentesque ac finibus feugiat, vulputate sit amet odio. Donec vulputate consectetur massa non lacinia.

Vivamus efficitur dolor in aliquam vestibulum. Vestibulum odio ante, fringilla a diam ultrices, consectetur commodo justo. Praesent at risus volutpat, fringilla sapien vel, lacinia nunc. Nam viverra imperdiet tellus vitae egestas. Proin auctor iaculis rutrum. Mauris sed nibh velit. Aliquam ullamcorper consectetur libero, ut iaculis ipsum eleifend eget. Fusce vitae risus lorem. Quisque tristique nisi at ultricies elementum. Suspendisse pretium rhoncus nisi ut efficitur. Duis sit amet orci imperdiet, consectetur neque quis, congue sapien. Maecenas et facilisis arcu. Phasellus scelerisque elit ut mi tempus maximus. Vivamus sagittis ultrices ipsum a molestie. Aliquam erat volutpat.